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Get one way links

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More than any online marketing strategy the ability to get one way links is essential to the success of any online business. Search engines are responsible for most of a websites incoming traffic, and therefore generate the highest return on investment. The higher your link ranks on the results page, the more likely people are to click on it, and eventually buy your product or your service.

That is why most companies consider search engine placement as a major marketing tool. There are several ways to improve your ranking, some of them paid, others for free. Here are some of the most effective strategies.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO involves improving the content of a web page to make it easily picked up by search engines. It is actually a series of smaller strategies designed to improve search engine placement, rather than a single action. Submission to search engines, use of keywords, and inbound linking are some of the most common SEO strategies. SEO companies such as Blackwood Productions provide a full range of services for small, local, and large businesses.

Keyword-rich content is by far the most popular approach to SEO. In this approach, a company looks up commonly used keywords and weaves them into their articles, making them more search engine-friendly. However, this has led to the rise of keyword spamming, in which the keywords are simply strung together without making any sense. Search engines now implement more intelligent crawling, so that the content has to be both useful and keyword-rich to rank in the search page.

Paid inclusion

Many people consider paid inclusion separate from SEO, although technically it is a subset of the latter. In paid inclusion, the company pays the search engine to include its links on the results pages. This produces fast results, as opposed to tight SEO content and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising which can take weeks or months to become profitable.

Not all search engines offer paid inclusion services, however. Most notably, Google and Ask do not accept payments to include any links in their search pages. Product listings such as NexTag are almost entirely based on paid inclusion, while Yahoo! Search mixes organic and paid results.

Inbound links

Many search engines consider a site more popular if there are more inbound links leading to the page. The more people link to a certain site, the better its search engine placement will be. One way to increase inbound links is to exchange inbound links to other sites, a strategy called Reciprocal Link Exchange. However, it is important that the two sites be under the same category to make sure they turn up at the same results pages. Otherwise, one site may appear in a completely different category, making the link exchange useless to potential client.

Get one way links

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